Digital technical maps

Complete creation, management and maintenance of digital technical maps.

Digital technical maps (DTM) are an effective tool for the performance of state administration and self-government and for improving the documentation of utilities administrators. In addition, they ensure that all participating investors save money. It serves as a uniform map base for project activities, thus avoiding duplicate surveying of identical locations for different investment projects.

Creation of digital technical maps

We coordinate preparatory work and contractual relations with investors. Mostly, besides the city self-government, they are technical infrastructure managers, for whom this map is the best basis due to its accuracy and details. We create guidelines for the creation and maintenance of DTMs, combine our own measurements using existing data and convert the result into a drawing structure as required by the investor directive.

Maintenance of digital technical maps

Thanks to the interconnection of the participation of building authorities and administrators of engineering networks, we ensure regular management and maintenance of map data. The database update method ensures that information about the origin and accuracy of the data is maintained. Securing data against misuse is a matter of course.

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