On 7 April 2022, HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. presented the MawisPhoto - Beta Version software to us directly in the field on our Buttulova construction site. Subsequently, we had a 3D model of the construction created (georeferenced according to points marked with QR codes) so as to have the below-surface construction condition documented. Therefore we know, even retrospectively, how deep our utilities are laid, whether the basic standards have been adhered to, whether the utility networks intersect, etc. This document we will use as an effective and precise basis for further decision making, for example in case of repairs. We were satisfied with the training as well as with the co-operation and we see the MawisPhoto - Beta Version software solution as an important part of further construction work planning.“

The UtilityReport application will be useful only by for family house builders who, by entering information about their construction project into a web-based form, can receive comments from network administrators for the building authority and thus make the lengthy process of going round all these institutions far easier, or enabling them to save money by not having to hire professional companies.
HRDLIČKA has offered us complex map services since 1996. They handle the geodetic side of our operating documentation, keep the current data sets in the national map series, share information on the location of technical infrastructure with the state authorities (provide data on a particular area for town-planning documentation) and provide other specific map documentation according to our specifications.
Map services
In addition to other services, HRDLIČKA provides geodetic services during the procurement of documentation on power and gas lines for our company and performs inspections of geodetic as-built building documentation, which helps keep the documentation in a consistent form and quality.